Saturday, November 3, 2012

11/3/2012 4:32 PM EST - Update - Internal Mechanics

Sorry for lack of update, I just hit a block in progress, and need someone with better expertise on airsoft mechanistic to help me out.
So here is an internal view of the current state of my Bolt-Action system. The colors correspond to different systems, red being the spring/firing mechanism, blue being the trigger grouping, green being the safety/fire system, and purple being the BB feeding. Yellow is nothing but a render color for the fake rounds in the magazine.

I am missing a hopup unit, and I have little to understanding of their workings, and this set back is what stopped by progress. I'm going to try and contact airsoft mechanics so they can see my workings and tell me if it would function correctly or not. I have a feeling I'll need to completely rework the trigger system and mag/feeding system. Oh well, gotta work for what you want right? I hope you all can understand whats going on here in the working of the gun.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For Fun Update

This update is more of a little experiment, rather than project progress. Since the externals are done, or at least the basics, I decided to render with color to visualize how each piece would be colored.

And well that's it. This project didnt take as long as I figured. All I have left to do is make the magazine release, and finish exterior construction.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

10/6/2012 3:13 PM EST - Update

It's been a while since I worked on this project. (Well actually only like 9 days) But I stopped mostly because I was researching the internal mechanics of an airsoft magazine. As you can see in the above image I do, in fact, now have a magazine added to the gun.

Well I'm proud to say I figured out how to make a magazine that works, but at this time only has a 12rd capacity. I may or may not design higher capacity magazines as I go, but I'm sticking with this design for now. Its a basic low-cap mag that's just a tube and a spring. It has other mechanisms to keep the BBs in, but that's the basics. I also put dummy 14.5x114mm ammunition into the mag, 4, just like the real thing. I thought it added a neat factor of realism and awesomeness.

In this picture I exploded the parts to show you how everything I've made goes together. I still have to make the screws to hold the magazine all together, as well as the flash hider, but that isn't too hard. I'll probably do it tomorrow if I can finish my homework tonight.

Once that is done, I can finally move on to things like the magazine release, and breaking apart the stock so it's easier on production.

Friday, September 28, 2012

9/28/2012 4:44 PM EST - Update

Today I finished the body exterior. After that I opened up the body and finished the firing mechanism which can be seen below.

Now all that is left is hollowing out the body to fit the firing mechanism, split the stock in parts, add the screws to hold it all together, and BAM! I'll be done.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/27/2012 8:06 PM EST - Update

Just a quick update to show the progress I made today at the end of me working. since almost all of the basic exterior work is done, I can shift focus to the internal mechanisms. All that's left ascetically, is the carrying handle. This project is definitely going by quick.

My only concerns are with the design of the magazine, and the hop-up unit.

First Post - and First Project!

Hey everyone! First post for this blog, and also my first blog ever!

So to get down to business I started my first project yesterday. I actually was drawing up the plans in one of my classes on Tuesday, but only got the time from my busy college schedule to start it yesterday.

That right there is what I have 3D modeled so far. Now I use Sketchup 8, so its relatively easy to model in, but poor for those who actually want to produce real things. So I don't think this model will ever hit real production unless i can some how convert an exported file to something a CNC can support or something similar.

Some of you might recognize the model I'm designing (by the way this is all done on my own, by referencing images) What inspired me to do this, was I was mucking around on some Airsoft retailer's YouTube channels, and I came across a video showing the internals of a spring airsoft rifle. It got me thinking how I would design my own mechanism, and this project is the result of my inspiration.

Now you cant see it in the image I provided, but I DO have some of the internals started on this rifle, such as the spring guide, and piston head. (if those are the right mechanical terms, that's just what i call them) So after that I still need to design the trigger assembly and a safety mechanism. Also for internals I need to study a spring fed airsoft BB mag, because this beast wont hold any standard M4, but its own, fully custom magazine.

I don't think I'll design a scope because I have no clue on magnification, or scope design, plus this rifle has such  a unique scope, I doubt it can actually be built with today's tech. So I just threw a picatinny rail on top for standard scope mounts.

Also the basic externals are done, aside from the flash hider, bipod legs, and carrying handle.

I hope to keep this blog updated with my progress, and I will also show breakdowns of my internal systems for criticism and review.